My family and I.

My family and I.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010 and all who left us this last year.

Wow, another year gone. I have to say it was a rough one and that I'm glad for a new year to start. I lost quite a few people this last year. My Grandpa Petty died in July. My baby turtle died in august, I think. Angelle's rock loving dog, Zeeb, died in November, I believe, and my stepdad Jason was found dead just the other day. Oh and Mitch, the family cat, dissapeared a little before Zeeb died so he's either dead or got picked up. So yeah, it's been rough. And losing those people only accounts for some of the chaos of last year. There was always plenty of family drama with Jex's insane reltionship with his wife and then the psychotic episodes from family could do a reality show with all the crap that goes on in our lives! But now my family is getting into a new house for a new start and Jason's gone so that will make it quite a bit easier. Jex still has issues but he's young and stupid. We hope and pray that one day he'll figure things out. The only thing bad about my mom and the girls moving into a new place is that now I have to find Miss Piggy a new home...I love her and I'm gunna be sad when I have to let her go. It'll be good though cuz I hardly get over to see her anymore and it's not fair of me to expect my mom to take care of her for me and Miss Piggy deserves more attention. So it is time. Big changes for the new year but all will be good I think. :) Good bye 2010, hello 2011!

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