My family and I.

My family and I.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My darlin' boy, Caelen, the Chubbs.

Caelen is such a sweet, happy little guy. He just loves to smile and laugh. He's a big boy for only 4 months. He is definately not under fed. He's a little Eater monster.  :) 
So here he is! Our darlin' little man...Caelen Emeryk ankiewicz...

We're twinners! Wish my eyes were open...
this would've been the perfect pic.


My darlin' girl, Toryn, the Tornader.

Toryn is getting so big. She's about 2 1/2 now. She's tall and talks more and more each day. It's fun. I'm very thankfully that we've been able to teach her to be polite but she's still a very strong spirited girl. She likes things her way.  :)  So here she is! The one and only Toryn Chenoa Ankiewicz...

Some pics from Christmas...

Toryn loves her new toys from Grandpa.

Caelen had fun hanging with the family.

My husband Joe holding worn out Caelen.  
Me looking sexy in my new beanie. :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


My awesome new look. thanks to angelle, the new hairstylist of the family. my hair is the colors of the sunset. It's fun. :)

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