My family and I.

My family and I.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Toryn's 3rd birthday!

                                   Toryn just waking up on her third birthday!
                             We filled the hall with balloons cuz Toryn LOVES balloons.
                                           Caelen was getting in on the fun.
                                           Her presents on her b-day scooter.
                        My mom let us borrow her big water slide.
                         Toryn had a fun time on it.
                        Her birthday dinner. It was a Madagascar/ Elmo themed party.
                        She loves both.
                        Plus we had left over Madagascar supplies from last year.

                                       Her awesome Elmo cake done by her aunt Cierra.

                 We made it a rainbow cake. We got the idea from and went off the recipe from
                          Looked way cool. :)
                       Toryn opening her presents.
                       Love the newspaper wrapping?
                   I figure it'll be off in a few seconds anyway right?
 I had to help open these balloons that inflate themselves. Got them open but they were hard to get to inflate. I had to hit them really hard a couple times then they would. I was hoping Toryn could do it herself buut she still loved them anyway just cuz they were balloons! :)
                              All the partying got Caelen pooped out.
                              He had to rest a minute.
                                 Some of Toryn's spoils from the night.
                                  She got some cool stuff.
                                       By the end she was pooped out too.
                                       It was a good day. :)

Dream Cheater

Dream cheater

Deep in my subconcious I see you.
We connect instantly
 like magnets coming together.
Our lips start to caress.
Our tongues tenderly explore eachother's mouth.
My style isn't usually French,
 but you do it so sweetly.
You tell me you want to take me to your favorite place,
 so you whisk me off to a place of magic and beautiful lights.
You make sure to listen attentively,
 giving me your full attention.
Something I must crave.
Who cares if your a fictional character,
 you were real to me.

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