My family and I.

My family and I.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Our Easter 2013

My dad reading from his bible for his Easter service at his house.
Toryn with her Paris.
My two crazy but darling kids looking sharp for Easter.
My beautiful Toryn in her beautiful Easter dress.
My mom with two of my crazy sisters: Paris and Angelle. All dressed in there sunday best for Easter.
My two handsome boys.
Trying to have my kids wait patiently for the candy hunt. Caelen had already snagged a candy on the way to the starting point.
And we're off! As you can see Caelen is content with his one candy but after a minute I got him picking up a few candies and with my help him and Toryn both scored a lot of candy! Not cuz I grabbed it all just cuz there was a lot there to grab and not very many kids! :)
My dad also got all the kids kites!
Joe is trying to get Caelen's ninja turtle kite flying.
Toryn for another round of candy.
Caelen flying his kite all by himself!
Toryn flying her princess kite all by herself!
We were too late for an egg hunt on friday so I felt bad and when we got home I made one for them at our house.

They were excited but a little unsure what they were suppose to do at first.

Caelen picked up a few eggs and was content with just eating the candy from those.

Toryn was quite the little egg hunter once she got going. :)

Caelen needed a little coaxing to keep picking up eggs so Toryn didn't get them all.

It was great Easter! Our kids had a great time, got cool stuff, and way too much was awesome!
Hope all yours was too!

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