My family and I.

My family and I.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

My movie reviews

  So recently I have viewed a few of the new movies out to redbox. You may have seen them in the theaters quite awhile ago, but because of my crazy kids, we have to wait for  the movies to come to redbox. So I thought I would share my thoughts on them for fun, basically, and to see if you agree or disagree. Here we go.

Night of the Museum: Secret of the Tomb ...
It's family friendly and fun. Not as funny as I had hoped it would be but the way the son talks to his dad and the Pompeii part did crack me up a bit. I'd give it a 3 1/2 stars out of 5.

Into the Woods...
I have to say I was pretty excited to see this one since there were so many cool actors in it, but it didn't quite measure up to what I was expecting. I did think it was cool that they used the real versions of the fairytales and not the Disney versions and that they intertwined all the stories together.  And it was fun to  see Chris Pine as a self involved Prince. It was a  different character than his  usual. But if you have read the real fairytales, which I had but I forgot, that they don't always end happy and this movie  doesn't have the happiest of endings. So artistically and musically it was cool but since I felt a bit depressed by the end of it I will only give this  3  1/2 stars also.

Exodus: Gods and Kings...
This show is a  little slow getting started and a little different than the bible story but I thought it was kind of cool to see what the plagues and other big things might have looked like in real life. Probably another 3 1/2 stars.

Penguins of Madagascar...
I've got to say this is a fun show. I like the penguins, they crack me up. So if you like fun, funny , family friendly animated shows, this is the show for you! I give this one 4 stars!

So go  watch some shows!

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