My family and I.

My family and I.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Orgasm Smoothie

Orgasm Smoothie

I heard on the doctor's show they had this recipe on there website so I thought I'd share it. I'm not sure if it really helps but they recommended having it at night not for breakfast if you have to go to work that day. You may be late if you do. :) Just click the link above if you'd like the recipe.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

In memory of Little Foot.

Once again an aquatic creation has died by my hands, or in this case the lack of my hands. My poor Little Foot depended on me and I failed him, costing him his life. I got caught up in taking care of Toryn and the other things in life that even when I knew he wasn't eating cuz his water probably was too cold I never got around to fixing it. My poor Little Foot starved to death. I'm so sorry Little Foot. I'm so so sorry. I loved you and I'm so sorry I didn't take better care of you. Rest in peace my Little Foot.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Toryn opening and playing with her presents from Auntie Jesse.

Oh, It's Elmo!
Here, read it to me.
Mom. leave me alone. I'm trying to talk here.

So fuzzy...

The End.  :)   Thanks Auntie Jesse!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The DIary of a Wimpy Kid

I just have to say that I was pretty dissapointed in the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I thought it would be funny but instead it's pretty depressing. It put me in this melancholy state cuz nothing goes right for the kid for the whole movie basically. It 's horrible. It has a happy ending but it makes you wonder if the kid will ever get a break from all the crap. No matter what he does it just makes it worse for him self. I was feeling pretty bad for him. It's a downer. I didn't really like it. So I advice if your in a great mood-DON'T watch this show! It'll totally bum you out. Atleast that's what it did to me.

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