My family and I.

My family and I.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fire damage

This use to be a trash can...for the fact that there really isn't much left we figure the fire was probably in this can.

This is all that's left of the other one.

It got so hot that it melted our meter, our phone/ internet line box, and the recycling cans that were on the ground next to the cans. And see that pipe line on the back of our house? That's a gas line...
It burned our dryer vent and nothing else in the wall, including the gas line to the dryer. We are so blessed!!

It got so hot it melted our little play kitchen...

A closer look at the melted phone line box and cans/

You can't see in this pic but the rain gutter and bottom of the roof got scorched some and our tree ended losing some leaves from the heat and smoke damage. Poor thing. But over all, even though it sucked, we feel very blessed because it could of been a whole lot worse. Our house should of exploded twice from the 2 gas lines...The inside of the wall where the dryer vent should of had fire in it, but didn't. The fire could of been up in our roof, but wasn't. We know for a fact that God was protecting our house that night. There is no doubt about that. It should of been a lot worse but wasn't because God is good. :)

Our eventful 4th of July...

This was my lovely chalk art on our walkway.

The day before our tire tore down to the metal, so we didn't think we were going to be able to go anywhere for the 4th...

But Joe, my husband, is awesome and put on our spare. Thankfully we had one!

Toryn wanted to help daddy was the car but Joe had just started drying it so I suggested she was hers instead. :)

My handsome husband making are car looks so fresh and so clean clean. :)

They were making sure their car is nice and clean.

Jex, my brother, surprised us and brought over some fireworks to our house. This is everyone waiting for them to start. :)

Joe, crackin' me up. :)

Toryn was in the middle of having the chicken pox and fever so she was pretty miserable during the fireworks. She really didn't like all the loud noises. Poor thing.

Woo fireworks!!

Sparkler fun. :)


colorful... :)

This firework was cool! It was our finale.

My handsome little man, Caelen, slept through the fireworks art our house but he was excited for the St. George city ones.

Cozy on Blvd waiting for the fireworks to start.

And this is what we came home to...our whole block was filled with fire trucks, ambulances, etc.

And guess who's house was on fire? Ours!! The firesorks that we had done earlier didn't get put out all the way and our trash cans went ablaze and scorched the back of our house. A little more eventful than we thought the day was going to be.

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