My family and I.

My family and I.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It's our new house! we just started moving in today. so exciting!


  1. Congrats on getting into a house...I'm so jealous! Wow, Toryn is growing into such a beautiful little girl. Can you believe how fast they grow up? And congratulations on you know what you're having yet? It is definitely a challenge, but I'm figuring it out alright, so I'm sure you'll be fine too. LOL I sure miss living closer to you, but it looks like you're doing great and I'm so happy about that! Love ya, girl!

  2. Thanks! It's so nice to have a yard! We're just renting it but we're getting a good deal since it's owned by the Shivwits tribe. My husband is half Paiute so he and his family, which is me and soon to be two kids, get certain benefits from that. It's nice. So we found out we're havin' a baby boy! So we'll have one of'll be fun. Hopefully. :) Joe, my husband, is a bit nervous about it cuz he knows how boys are but I reassure him that it's all in how you raise him and that he'll probably take after me anyways so he'll be the easy child. :) That's crazy you're moving to Texas! I hope it's great there for you guys. It was great to hear from ya!


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