My family and I.

My family and I.

Friday, August 10, 2012

My super cool super hero b-day party!

 I spent all day decorating, cooking and cleaning, It turned out super cool though. :)
 These were my own variation of cake pops. I made little brownie muffins then covered them in the white chocolate almond bark and sprinkles to match the super heroes. They were tricky to make and super messy. But very yummy!
                                                           Spiderman jello, woot woot!
 My awesome tri-super hero cake. We made, for the very first time, marshmallow fondant, It turned out pretty good. It was super sweet though.
                                                My cake all decked out. 28 baby, yeah!

              We were gunna try and do fireworks but no one was selling them any more so we ended up having a water ballon fight. It was a super good time. :)

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