My family and I.

My family and I.

Monday, June 28, 2010

My husband

It seems at times that my husband is incapable at really cleaning up after himself. Like how hard is it to take your dish in the kitchen and rinse it off..? Not that hard. And I find empty pepsi cans everywhere around the house...I know that he works hard, so we can pay the bills, and he's tired all the time because of it so I don't say much, but at times it's like "really?" But then there's days like yesterday where he just does all the dishes, cleans and mops the kitchen, does laundry, and wipes the bathroom down and it's just such a welcomed surprise! Especially since I had really got behind on all of it. And I apologized and thanked him a few times and he just says it's ok and that I was taking a break and that's ok. I was thinking "wow, what an awesome guy I married." But part of the reason I think he got so motivated was that he felt kinda bad about partying all day with his friends the day before. Which is fine except the fact that I didn't know it was going to be all day so I didn't do anything all day and he ends up telling me he's drunk and comes home and pukes and doesn't feel good. I didn't feel too bad for him since it was self inflicted, but I still made sure he was ok cuz that's what a wife does. She takes care of her man. He's a good guy, he just needs better firiends. Some that don't drink cuz all his buddies drink so I think he feels obligated to as well so that they can bond or something. I don't know. I don't really understand it, but I think he remembered that it's not really fun so I think he's gunna not do it as much anymore. Hopefully. I love him, even though he has these faults like partying with his friends and his temper, he still takes good care of us and I'm sure he'd do pretty much anything to protect me and our daughter. And he makes me laugh. We have a good time...most of the time. :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! We're happy to have you! :) I so know what you mean in this post. It's so so wonderful being married and having a family, but it's really hard sometimes, too. Sometimes I feel like I do everything around here, and it gets really tiring. But then, Justin will surprise me just like Joe surprised you! Mostly, I don't mind doing everything and anything for my family, but it's nice when my husband shows me that he cares by taking over the housework for a day. I hope Joe stops partying; it's not good for him, or you.


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