My family and I.

My family and I.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Smiles in the face of death

My grandpa is dying. He's in the hospital right now as I write this. He has been for a week and a day now. He's 95 years old. He's had a good long life. I love that guy. He's such a strong, sweet old man. He will be well missed in this world. But it amazes me, that as he lay there in his bed slowly letting go, people can still smile and laugh as death calls his name. I've been to visit a few times since he's been there and I've always brought Toryn, my baby girl, with me. And even though, it's a hard and sad thing to watch him go, people just light up when they see her. They smile and play with her, as if sadness wasn't in the room at all.

My grandpa has four children and out of them came lots of grandchildren and out of them more great grandchildren. So my grandpa has a big family and a lot of them have come to visit him in his last days. It's great to see how loved he is. It amazed me how many people have took the time and made special trips to come down and see him. It's awesome. It's great to see everyone. It's just kinda sad that it had to be in these circumstances. But even as it may, we smile and laugh as we talk to each other, chatting, and catching up. My dad makes jokes with people and everyone laughs. It's amazing that even in this heavy-hearted time, people can do that.

Believe me, it hasn't been all smiles and giggles. There's been plenty of frowns and crying, especially when my grandpa is groaning in pain. That seems to be the hardest for everyone. No one wants him to suffer so every one's doing there very best to keep him comfortable as the time draws nearer for him to move on. But even as death cast it's shadow, people still make light in the situation by just loving on my grandpa and enjoying each others company with a smile and a laugh.

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