My family and I.

My family and I.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My hero.

 My husband is my hero. I was trying to upload Toryn's birthday pics and the camera freaked out and said there wasn't any pics on it. I was so upset! But then Joe came home and found a program on the net to decode our memory card and the pics were saved! I was so relieved that Toryn's first birthday pics weren't gone forever. That would have been horrible. So yeah, my husband rocks and he saved my day.

Plus, he's been so great lately. I don't know what it is. He hasn't had a big freak out in the longest time. We did decide that he wouldn't watch Toryn on Saturdays while I worked anymore. It was just too stressful for everyone so I think that has made a big difference. He's a lot more patient with Toryn and he helps more around the house and buys me little gifts now and then. It's really awesome. It's great to have my happy, sweet husband back. :)


I wonder about my high school classmates
I see their faces on Facebook every now and then
Some have grown up so much
Others look exactly the same.
Then I look at myself
And remember these aren't high school days.
Perched in the tub, shaving my legs
With my baby girl on my lap...
Yeah, high school days are long gone.

Things that are hidden
eventually become revealed.
If there is love it won't matter
but it may take some work.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Toryn's First Birthday!

It was a blast. Toryn had a good time. We just ate finger foods and cake and ice cream, played outside, some of the kids made cereal necklaces, and we had a pull string Elmo pinata. Oh and of course she got lots of cool presents. She was pretty tired by the end of it. She also had started to get her fever that day, so it was good we did an early b-day party because on her really birthday day she had was burning hot with a fever. We did get her to open a few presents that day though.



Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fun in the toys at the mall.


What is dream cheating, you ask? Well I'll tell you...It's when you have a dream about someone of the opposite sex, other than your patner, where you get cozy, emotional, sensual, or even sexual feelings for them and even sometimes do sensual or sexual things with them in your dream. I've had a few occasions when this has happened, just on random I'll have dreams about old crushes or boyfriends. And sometimes guys from TV or a movie.

My latest was the guy that plays Patrick Jane on The Mentalist. He's a pretty good looking guy but I had never really thought about him that way and then one night after we watched his show, I'm dreaming that I find my way to his arms and it was so cozy and yummy that the feeling stuck with me all the rest of the day. It was interesting. So I told my husband about it later and he kind of laughed and I asked him if he ever had dreams about other girls. He tried to tell me "no" but I didn't believe it. I tried to get some names of girls but he played the "I can't remember" card. Safe move, but I'm pretty sure he could think of a couple. So I told him "you're a dream-cheater!" and he looked taken aback for a second and he's like "You're the dream-cheater! You had the dream about the Mentalist guy." We verbally battled, calling each other dream-cheaters for a few more minutes then we stopped and I was the official dream-cheater this time. For now. Until his next dream-cheating session, which will happen again. It's normal to dream about others, I hope. :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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