My family and I.

My family and I.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My hero.

 My husband is my hero. I was trying to upload Toryn's birthday pics and the camera freaked out and said there wasn't any pics on it. I was so upset! But then Joe came home and found a program on the net to decode our memory card and the pics were saved! I was so relieved that Toryn's first birthday pics weren't gone forever. That would have been horrible. So yeah, my husband rocks and he saved my day.

Plus, he's been so great lately. I don't know what it is. He hasn't had a big freak out in the longest time. We did decide that he wouldn't watch Toryn on Saturdays while I worked anymore. It was just too stressful for everyone so I think that has made a big difference. He's a lot more patient with Toryn and he helps more around the house and buys me little gifts now and then. It's really awesome. It's great to have my happy, sweet husband back. :)

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