My family and I.

My family and I.

Monday, July 12, 2010


We have bugs in our house even though the dumb bug guys sprayed a while back. They obviously didn't do a very good job, but we didn't pay so we can't really complain. So yeah, we still have bugs. We have ants, spiders, cockroaches,etc. It's not fun but the worst thing we found last night was maggots on our kitchen floor! And for the life of us we can't figure out where they came from. It's so disgusting! So Joe threw out anything and washed everything that he thought they came from. But I still found a couple more this morning wiggling on my kitchen floor! Yucky. So I grabbed a napkin to kill them and the first one I squished popped! IT was sooooooooo disgusting!!! I freaked out! Bleh. It was so gross. I had to do the other one with my foot cuz I couldn't have another one pop under my finger. I still get the creepy-crawleys thinking about it. I don't like maggots, especially on my kitchen floor! Maggots, cockroaches, and earwigs I do not like. They give me the heeby-jeebies. Most other bugs I can handle as long as they're not on me.

Hopefully we've seen the last of the maggots and  hopefully we can get some bug spray soon for all the others that are invading our house. We must defend our home and we will be victorious!

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