My family and I.

My family and I.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

More parties!

I'm so excited my birthday is this month and then Toryn will be one in August! I can't believe I'm gunna be 26 on the 27th. For some reason that sounds kind of old to me. I was all good being 25 but's kind of a weird age. I don't know, it's inevitable so I'll just roll with it. :) I'm all stoked to throw more parties though. I'm going to have an Iron Man party for my b-day and then go see Iron Man 2 after cuz I haven't seen it yet. I'm excited! Then my baby girl will be a one year old on August 16th! It's amazing how fast the time goes. I'm going to throw her a baby sesame street party cuz she loves those guys. It'll be so fun! I'm more excited about throwing her party more than mine, but they'll both be fun. :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean! I can't believe how old we both are! I still feel 21. Your parties sound awesome. :)


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