My family and I.

My family and I.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Orgasm Smoothie

Orgasm Smoothie

I heard on the doctor's show they had this recipe on there website so I thought I'd share it. I'm not sure if it really helps but they recommended having it at night not for breakfast if you have to go to work that day. You may be late if you do. :) Just click the link above if you'd like the recipe.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

In memory of Little Foot.

Once again an aquatic creation has died by my hands, or in this case the lack of my hands. My poor Little Foot depended on me and I failed him, costing him his life. I got caught up in taking care of Toryn and the other things in life that even when I knew he wasn't eating cuz his water probably was too cold I never got around to fixing it. My poor Little Foot starved to death. I'm so sorry Little Foot. I'm so so sorry. I loved you and I'm so sorry I didn't take better care of you. Rest in peace my Little Foot.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Toryn opening and playing with her presents from Auntie Jesse.

Oh, It's Elmo!
Here, read it to me.
Mom. leave me alone. I'm trying to talk here.

So fuzzy...

The End.  :)   Thanks Auntie Jesse!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The DIary of a Wimpy Kid

I just have to say that I was pretty dissapointed in the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I thought it would be funny but instead it's pretty depressing. It put me in this melancholy state cuz nothing goes right for the kid for the whole movie basically. It 's horrible. It has a happy ending but it makes you wonder if the kid will ever get a break from all the crap. No matter what he does it just makes it worse for him self. I was feeling pretty bad for him. It's a downer. I didn't really like it. So I advice if your in a great mood-DON'T watch this show! It'll totally bum you out. Atleast that's what it did to me.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My hero.

 My husband is my hero. I was trying to upload Toryn's birthday pics and the camera freaked out and said there wasn't any pics on it. I was so upset! But then Joe came home and found a program on the net to decode our memory card and the pics were saved! I was so relieved that Toryn's first birthday pics weren't gone forever. That would have been horrible. So yeah, my husband rocks and he saved my day.

Plus, he's been so great lately. I don't know what it is. He hasn't had a big freak out in the longest time. We did decide that he wouldn't watch Toryn on Saturdays while I worked anymore. It was just too stressful for everyone so I think that has made a big difference. He's a lot more patient with Toryn and he helps more around the house and buys me little gifts now and then. It's really awesome. It's great to have my happy, sweet husband back. :)


I wonder about my high school classmates
I see their faces on Facebook every now and then
Some have grown up so much
Others look exactly the same.
Then I look at myself
And remember these aren't high school days.
Perched in the tub, shaving my legs
With my baby girl on my lap...
Yeah, high school days are long gone.

Things that are hidden
eventually become revealed.
If there is love it won't matter
but it may take some work.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Toryn's First Birthday!

It was a blast. Toryn had a good time. We just ate finger foods and cake and ice cream, played outside, some of the kids made cereal necklaces, and we had a pull string Elmo pinata. Oh and of course she got lots of cool presents. She was pretty tired by the end of it. She also had started to get her fever that day, so it was good we did an early b-day party because on her really birthday day she had was burning hot with a fever. We did get her to open a few presents that day though.



Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fun in the toys at the mall.


What is dream cheating, you ask? Well I'll tell you...It's when you have a dream about someone of the opposite sex, other than your patner, where you get cozy, emotional, sensual, or even sexual feelings for them and even sometimes do sensual or sexual things with them in your dream. I've had a few occasions when this has happened, just on random I'll have dreams about old crushes or boyfriends. And sometimes guys from TV or a movie.

My latest was the guy that plays Patrick Jane on The Mentalist. He's a pretty good looking guy but I had never really thought about him that way and then one night after we watched his show, I'm dreaming that I find my way to his arms and it was so cozy and yummy that the feeling stuck with me all the rest of the day. It was interesting. So I told my husband about it later and he kind of laughed and I asked him if he ever had dreams about other girls. He tried to tell me "no" but I didn't believe it. I tried to get some names of girls but he played the "I can't remember" card. Safe move, but I'm pretty sure he could think of a couple. So I told him "you're a dream-cheater!" and he looked taken aback for a second and he's like "You're the dream-cheater! You had the dream about the Mentalist guy." We verbally battled, calling each other dream-cheaters for a few more minutes then we stopped and I was the official dream-cheater this time. For now. Until his next dream-cheating session, which will happen again. It's normal to dream about others, I hope. :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

In memory of my awesome Grandpa Petty

                                          WE love you Grandpa!

Fun at the Virgin river on July 25th

The gorgeous Virgin river.
Toryn's first time playin' in the river!

Smiles in the face of death

My grandpa is dying. He's in the hospital right now as I write this. He has been for a week and a day now. He's 95 years old. He's had a good long life. I love that guy. He's such a strong, sweet old man. He will be well missed in this world. But it amazes me, that as he lay there in his bed slowly letting go, people can still smile and laugh as death calls his name. I've been to visit a few times since he's been there and I've always brought Toryn, my baby girl, with me. And even though, it's a hard and sad thing to watch him go, people just light up when they see her. They smile and play with her, as if sadness wasn't in the room at all.

My grandpa has four children and out of them came lots of grandchildren and out of them more great grandchildren. So my grandpa has a big family and a lot of them have come to visit him in his last days. It's great to see how loved he is. It amazed me how many people have took the time and made special trips to come down and see him. It's awesome. It's great to see everyone. It's just kinda sad that it had to be in these circumstances. But even as it may, we smile and laugh as we talk to each other, chatting, and catching up. My dad makes jokes with people and everyone laughs. It's amazing that even in this heavy-hearted time, people can do that.

Believe me, it hasn't been all smiles and giggles. There's been plenty of frowns and crying, especially when my grandpa is groaning in pain. That seems to be the hardest for everyone. No one wants him to suffer so every one's doing there very best to keep him comfortable as the time draws nearer for him to move on. But even as death cast it's shadow, people still make light in the situation by just loving on my grandpa and enjoying each others company with a smile and a laugh.

The F-Word

I can not explain how much I do not like the F-word. I hate it. I don't hate many things, but I do hate the F-word. Especially when it's flying out of my husband's mouth, like a baseball hitting machine shoots baseballs. I don't like it. They are not particularly aimed at me, mostly he is so frustrated he doesn't know how else to express it so he flings them angrily out into the world. I don't like Toryn to see her daddy like this, but it tends to be things dealing with her that gets him saying this distasteful word. Oh, how I wish he could control his vocabulary. I try to tell him this, but in the heat of the moment it tends to only upset him more. I do not like the F-word. I do not like it at all.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Stumbley Toryn

Toryn's a bit stumbley. I think she may have a had a little too much of the good stuff. She's looks milk drunk. :)

Toryn's really cruisin' now.

Toryn's really moving now. Sometimes she gets going a little too fast and can't keep her balance. It's kinda funny. See for yourself. Oh and if you're wondering what she's playing with at the end that's just plastic cup that was suppose to be in the trash. She likes to pull things out of the garbage. They seem to be some of her favorite toys. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

My baby girl is growing up so fast and walking now! She's getting to be a big girl. It's fun. :)

Here's one of Toryn beating up her daddy. She likes to do that for some reason. It's pretty funny. :)


We have bugs in our house even though the dumb bug guys sprayed a while back. They obviously didn't do a very good job, but we didn't pay so we can't really complain. So yeah, we still have bugs. We have ants, spiders, cockroaches,etc. It's not fun but the worst thing we found last night was maggots on our kitchen floor! And for the life of us we can't figure out where they came from. It's so disgusting! So Joe threw out anything and washed everything that he thought they came from. But I still found a couple more this morning wiggling on my kitchen floor! Yucky. So I grabbed a napkin to kill them and the first one I squished popped! IT was sooooooooo disgusting!!! I freaked out! Bleh. It was so gross. I had to do the other one with my foot cuz I couldn't have another one pop under my finger. I still get the creepy-crawleys thinking about it. I don't like maggots, especially on my kitchen floor! Maggots, cockroaches, and earwigs I do not like. They give me the heeby-jeebies. Most other bugs I can handle as long as they're not on me.

Hopefully we've seen the last of the maggots and  hopefully we can get some bug spray soon for all the others that are invading our house. We must defend our home and we will be victorious!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

More parties!

I'm so excited my birthday is this month and then Toryn will be one in August! I can't believe I'm gunna be 26 on the 27th. For some reason that sounds kind of old to me. I was all good being 25 but's kind of a weird age. I don't know, it's inevitable so I'll just roll with it. :) I'm all stoked to throw more parties though. I'm going to have an Iron Man party for my b-day and then go see Iron Man 2 after cuz I haven't seen it yet. I'm excited! Then my baby girl will be a one year old on August 16th! It's amazing how fast the time goes. I'm going to throw her a baby sesame street party cuz she loves those guys. It'll be so fun! I'm more excited about throwing her party more than mine, but they'll both be fun. :)

My first Tupperware party.

I threw my first Tupperware party last night and I'm glad to say that it was pretty successful. I had five ladies show up and all wanted to buy a couple things, which was cool. It was pretty casual and relaxed. I just had my chocolate fountain and snacks to dip and then my mom made a chocolate cake in the microwave as a demo. I could call it a Chocolate Tupperware party. :) It was yummy and nice to see the ladies. And it will help my mom get rid of some of her overstocked inventory of Tupperware which will be good. So yeah, it went well.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My baby girl

My baby girl, Toryn, is almost ten and a half months now and she has a lot of personality. And i love her so much, but for a while now it's been so frustrating changing her diapers! I have to wrestler her to stay there long enough to get the dang thing on. And I have to change her quite a few times a day so it gets a little irritating at times. Sometimes I just give up and let her run wild and free, but then I'm cleaning up pee spots around the house and like the other day, a pile of nasty green diarrhea poop in the office. I don't like to do that more than I have to. She's a little stinker some times...oh, and she has Daddy's temper. It's really fun right now while she's teething. Then you add in the temper and it's just a bundle of joy. Especially when she's teething, tempermental, and tired! Those are the good times. Let's just say I'm a bit nervous about the terrible twos, when she's already shreaking at me when she's not even one yet. It's gunna be fun.

Monday, June 28, 2010

My husband

It seems at times that my husband is incapable at really cleaning up after himself. Like how hard is it to take your dish in the kitchen and rinse it off..? Not that hard. And I find empty pepsi cans everywhere around the house...I know that he works hard, so we can pay the bills, and he's tired all the time because of it so I don't say much, but at times it's like "really?" But then there's days like yesterday where he just does all the dishes, cleans and mops the kitchen, does laundry, and wipes the bathroom down and it's just such a welcomed surprise! Especially since I had really got behind on all of it. And I apologized and thanked him a few times and he just says it's ok and that I was taking a break and that's ok. I was thinking "wow, what an awesome guy I married." But part of the reason I think he got so motivated was that he felt kinda bad about partying all day with his friends the day before. Which is fine except the fact that I didn't know it was going to be all day so I didn't do anything all day and he ends up telling me he's drunk and comes home and pukes and doesn't feel good. I didn't feel too bad for him since it was self inflicted, but I still made sure he was ok cuz that's what a wife does. She takes care of her man. He's a good guy, he just needs better firiends. Some that don't drink cuz all his buddies drink so I think he feels obligated to as well so that they can bond or something. I don't know. I don't really understand it, but I think he remembered that it's not really fun so I think he's gunna not do it as much anymore. Hopefully. I love him, even though he has these faults like partying with his friends and his temper, he still takes good care of us and I'm sure he'd do pretty much anything to protect me and our daughter. And he makes me laugh. We have a good time...most of the time. :)

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